About Us

About Us


Laurier Immigration was established by Virdevinder Singh and Amardeep Banwait who have diverse backgrounds and valuable managerial, entrepreneurial, financial, and customer service skills to provide clients with positive and integrated services. Our Team has been assisting and providing immigration, education, and recruitment services to clients from all over the world. We have successfully assisted many candidates in the past 5 years and helped them achieve their dreams.

Our team is composed of members of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) and the Law Society of Ontario (LSO ) that are fully dedicated to providing you honest and up-to-date information about study and immigration programs. Our vision is to be recognized as a trusted & result-driven provider of visa assistance and other services at a reasonable cost.


Virdevinder has successfully completed Diplomas from Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning in Business Management and Immigration Consultant Studies and is also a Member in good standing with the CICC. Virdevinder immigrated to Canada through the Express Entry program and therefore, has firsthand experience with the systems and procedures. He has lived experiences and can relate to the difficulties faced by newcomers in Canada.

Amardeep has successfully completed a Diploma in Paralegal studies from Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, a Degree from York University in Human Rights and Equity Studies, and is a Licenced Paralegal under the LSO. Amardeep previously worked for the Government of Canada (House of Commons) where he was a Case Manager that assisted with all types of immigration inquiries. He has seen over 10000 cases in his time working alongside the community of Brampton West and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Our philosophy is to provide the best service and advice to create road-maps for individuals interested in settling in Canada. We pride ourselves on being able to help immigrate and integrate applicants into their desired work or study fields. We hold professionalism to a high degree and adhere to the highest standards of service. Together we make up the most dedicated and honest team in the profession.


Sir Wilfrid LAURIER became Canada’s seventh prime minister in 1896, serving in that role until 1911, the longest unbroken term to date. He was a strong supporter of individual liberty and decentralized federalism. He left a complex legacy that holds a variety of meanings to those impacted by decisions made under his leadership. He was also a champion for immigration and was known as the Father of Modern Canada.

Great Period of Immigration in Canada

In 1896, Wilfrid LAURIER and his government set up an immigration incentive system to populate Canada and the western provinces in particular. To that end, the government offered premiums to European agents to increase the number of immigrants settling in the country. Minister Clifford Sifton traveled the world to find immigrants who would radically change the face of Canada then… and even today!


Portrait of Wilfrid Laurier
Source: William James Topley (1845-1930) / Library and Archives Canada

The results of the initiative were very positive. From 1901 to 1911, more than 900000 foreigners came to Canada. The massive immigration, basically targeting the Prairies, increased farming production and national harvests. With greater available manpower, farming activities grew. The country’s economy benefited greatly from this massive immigration.

“Let Them Become Canadians” (1905)

On 1 September 1905, Wilfrid LAURIER spoke before an audience of some 10,000 people in Edmonton, the newly minted capital of Alberta, which had just joined Confederation along with Saskatchewan. It had been 11 years since he’d last visited Edmonton, and he remarked that so much had changed in that time. He noted the growth of cities in the West, as well as the development of industry and transportation, agriculture and trade there. “Gigantic strides are made on all sides over these new provinces,” he said. It was a crowning moment of a movement — to colonize the West — and LAURIER was there to thank the immigrants and settlers who had made that possible. Though the LAURIER government’s immigration policies championed the arrival of some and barred the landing of others, his comments on acceptance in this speech served as a better model to follow.

Laurier, Musée. “Great Period of Immigration in Canada: Visionary Man.” Wilfrid Laurier:
Father of Modern Canada grande_periode_d_immigration_au_canada-great_period_of_immigration_in_canada-eng.
Laurier, Wilfrid. "Wilfrid Laurier: Let Them Become Canadians, 1905". The Canadian Encyclopedia, 13 July 2017, Historica Canada. https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/wilfrid-laurier-let-them-become-canadians-1905. Accessed 23 November 2021.